KMC to Conduct Scholarship Selection Examinations for Private Schools

Published 2023 Jul 04 Tuesday

Kathmandu: The Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) is making preparations to conduct selection examinations for scholarships offered by private schools operating within the KMC.

Mayor Balendra Shah has expressed the commitment to conducting these examinations in compliance with existing laws and regulations.

The scholarships will be granted to students in grade 11, and the selection process will align with the provisions outlined in the KMC's Education Act-2075 BS and Education Regulations 2074 BS for the upcoming academic year. Sitaram Koirala, the Head of the KMC Education Department, has provided this information.

The primary objective of conducting these examinations is to ensure fairness in the distribution of scholarships. Candidates who meet the selection criteria will be granted scholarships, with a focus on inclusivity.

Factors such as belonging to impoverished families, residing in backward areas, or being from indigenous communities will be taken into account during the selection process.

Moreover, the KMC is also preparing to independently conduct selection examinations for scholarships to be awarded to students from grade 1 to grade 10. This demonstrates the KMC's commitment to providing educational support at various levels. It has been reported that 90 percent of the 504 private schools within the KMC have already recommended students for these scholarships. This high level of participation reflects the schools' recognition of the importance of supporting deserving students in their educational journey.

In conclusion, the KMC's initiative to conduct selection examinations for scholarships signifies their dedication to creating equal opportunities for students in private schools. By adhering to legal limitations and considering inclusive parameters, the KMC aims to ensure fairness in the distribution of scholarships.

The efforts to extend this support to students across different grade levels highlight the KMC's commitment to promoting education within the region.
